Friday, October 29, 2010

Breast Milk: Best For Baby

Breastfed babies have lower rates of hospital admissions, ear infections, diarhea, allergies and other medical problems than bottle-fed babies.

Human milk contains just right the amount of fatty acids, lactose, water and amino acids for human digestion, brain development and growth.

A brestfed baby's digestive tract contains large amounts Lactobacillus bifidus, beneficial bacteria that prevent the growth of harmful organisma.

Human milk straight from the breast is always sterile, never contaminated by polluted water or dirty bottles, which can also lead to diarrhea in the infant.

Sucking at the breast promotes good jaw development as well. It's harder work to get milk out of a breast than a bottle, and the exercise strengthens the jaws and encourage the growth of straight, healthy teeth.

Nursing may have psychological benefits for the infant as well, creating an early emotional attachment between mother and child.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Being A Mother

Being a mother
I need to wake up early
To prepare breakfast for my kids and hubby
So they will not hungry
Since their way to school and office is quite a long journey.

Being a mother
I need to be as fit as a fiddle
To care of all the people
My kids’ heart need to be tackle
So they will never be in trouble
In communicating, leading, managing all they will be able.

Being a mother
I always pray for my children
Hope my thought will be listened
For them to be a good person
For the sake of Allah which is the most concern.
Being a mother
In life’s ups and downs, good or bad
I’ll be always with my kids happy or sad
I’ll give all my blessing
For all my kids which are now growing.

Being a mother
All my prays for my children Allah will hear
I can give a hug when my kids are near
Even all such things are endless chores
But all should be always with love and something that I adore.

By Shaza Zam

Wanita Sebagai Pendidik Anak-Anak

Hafizh Ibrahim berkata dalam syairnya:

Seorang ibu adalah madrasah,
Apabila engkau mempersiapkannya,
Bererti telah menyiapkan generasi muda,
Yang baik dan gagah berani,
Seorang ibu adalah guru pertama dari semua guru pertama,
Yang pengaruhnya menyentuh jagat raya.

Sejarah telah mencatat dua lelaki dari kalangan kaum Umayyah. salah seorang dikenali akan kecerdasan, kebijaksanaan dan ketegasannya manakala seorang lagi dikenali dengan keadilan, kebaikan, kesalihan dan ketaqwaannya. Keduanya adalah hasil didikan wanita yang agung. Orang pertama ialah Abdul Malik bin Marwan, ibunya adalah Aisyah binti Mughirah bin Al-Ash bin Umayyah yang terkenal dengan keperibadiannya yang kuat dan keinginan yang kuat dan otaknya yang cerdas.

Dan seorang lagi ialah Umar bin Abdul Aziz. Ibunya adalah isteri kepada Ashim bin Umar bin Al-Khatab yang merupakan wanita termulia saat itu dan mempunyai sifat terpuji, keibuan, taat beribadah dan sangat bertakwa yang telah diambil oleh Saidina Umar sebagai menantu untuk puteranya setelah beliau melihat kejujuran dan keistimewaan pada dirinya pada saat di mana wanita itu telah menolak perintah ibunya mencampurkan susu degan air untuk dijual kerana dia yakin bahawa Allah melihatnya.

Dalam sejarah, ramai wanita yang telah berjaya mendidik dan menanamkan akhlak yang mulia dalam diri anak mereka sehingga terlahirlah generasi pemimpin Islam yang agung seperti Abdul Malik bin Marwan, Umar Abdul Aziz, Imam Syafie dan lain-lain lagi. Begitulah Islam telah meletakkan wanita sebagai madrasah tarbiyyah bagi anak-anak mereka bermula di awal perkahwinan lagi, semasa mengandung sehinggalah lahirnya anak mereka.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Influence Healthy Children's Brain Development Ages 1-5

Be warm and loving
Through warm and loving interactions, such as touching, smiling, singing and talking, your child will feel safe and secure with their caregivers. Touch is very important since it stimulates the brain to release growth hormones.

Be responsive to your child’s sounds, expressions and movements

Infants cannot use words to express themselves, therefore, they feel secure and loved when they are responded like comforting them when they cry, feeding them when hungry, etc.

Talk, read and sing to your child
Studies show babies whose mothers often spoke to them learned almost 300 more words by age 2 than babies whose mothers rarely spoke to them. By encouraging participation in older children, such as asking questions, pointing out pictures and predicting outcomes, children’s brains are even more stimulated and challenged.

Establish routines and rituals
Routines and rituals help children learn what to expect and how to understand the world around them. Children which have safe and predictable interactions and activities have been found to do better in school later on.

Encourage curiosity, safe exploration and play
Parents should encourage safe exploration and play, and be receptive when a child needs to return to them for security. Play is recognized as an important opportunity for children to learn and explore.